Types of Accounts Covered by SCRA

There’s a lot more to SCRA than just auto loans and credit cards! Make sure to take full advantage of these benefits.

Mario Bailey

Many people I've talked to seem to think that SCRA benefits apply only to auto loans or credit cards. However, SCRA protections cover a wide range of financial obligations. Here's a quick list to keep you informed:

  • Mortgages: Interest rates capped at 6% for pre-service obligations.
  • Credit Cards: Same 6% interest rate cap on debts incurred before active duty.
  • Auto Loans: Pre-service auto loans also benefit from the 6% interest cap.
  • Personal Loans: Any personal loans taken out before active duty get the interest rate reduction.
  • Student Loans: Both federal and private student loans fall under SCRA protections.
  • Lines of Credit: Personal lines of credit are included in the interest rate cap.
  • Rental Agreements: Allows for termination of leases without penalty due to PCS or deployment.
  • Insurance Policies: Some insurance policies are protected from cancellation for non-payment.
  • Civil Court Proceedings: Provides stays of proceedings for cases like bankruptcy and divorce.

    There’s a lot more to SCRA than just auto loans and credit cards! Make sure to take full advantage of these benefits.